For many years the network marketing and multilevel marketing industries have been vigorously monitored by government agencies. In general, these agencies viewed network marketing in a skeptical light because of spurious past experiences. Although there have been some resounding success stories, regulators continue to keep a watchful eye on the industry.
Numerous aspects of various network-marketing programs attract the concern of certain government agencies. The two areas that are most prominent are the methods by which a company attracts new Distributors, and the basis on which incentives are rewarded. For example, demanding payment from an individual in exchange for the right to sell products, and basing bonuses or commissions on the successful recruitment of others into the network (unrelated to the sale of the company’s product), is illegal.
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has been in the forefront of developing a definition of a legitimate direct sales or network marketing program. In its landmark decision concerning a four-year action with Amway Corporation, the U.S. FTC found that most aspects of the Amway marketing program were legal because: (1) no compensation was paid for recruiting, (2) compensation was linked directly to product sales, (3) the company provided a comprehensive inventory buyback policy and (4) the company required its Distributors to sell a certain percentage of their purchased products to retail customers who were end users of the product.
The resulting FTC ruling opened the door for legitimate entrepreneurs to seek out people eager to build independent businesses through the networking form of product distribution. It was this condition that provided the groundwork for Market America, Market Hong Kong’s parent company, to launch its powerful marketing plan and unique compensation program.
Since the U.S. FTC ruling, there has been an evolution of network marketing and multilevel marketing programs. Today, almost every conceivable product is merchandised using network marketing. The industry has become intensely competitive with companies competing for Independent Distributors to join their ranks. This competition has resulted in the development of a variety of compensation structures. It has also stimulated further scrutiny of marketing plans and their compliance with the laws enforced by various regulatory agencies. Although there are contradicting interpretations of certain legal limits by the various agencies, Market America has meticulously created its program to ensure that it observed even the most stringent of these regulatory interpretations and has continuously maintained a conservative posture of cooperation and compliance with regulatory agency interpretations and directives.
The Market Hong Kong marketing plan has been designed to meet these regulatory requirements. Each Independent Distributor is sponsored into the organization by another Distributor. The Management Performance Compensation Plan (MPCP) offers Distributors the potential for significant financial rewards based on product sales. The plan has no inherent limitation, so each Independent Distributor has an equal opportunity for success if the requisite hard work is put into the Marketing Plan.
The Marketing Plan was developed to avoid negative incentives and/or pitfalls and to minimize limitations frequently inherent in other network-marketing programs. The Market Hong Kong Marketing Plan contains retail sales requirements to ensure regulatory compliance. One interesting observation is that the very design of our Marketing Plan eliminates the potential for abuse or misrepresentation. The design of our plan is such that economic incentive is based entirely on products reaching end users. Under the plan, when a Distributor places product orders, Market Hong Kong asks for customer receipts or other proof that at least 70 percent of product orders were sold to end users or retail purchasers. Furthermore, Distributors must produce 200 Personal Business Volume (PBV) and a minimum of two customer sales totaling HK$1,500 before becoming qualified Distributors eligible to receive compensation credit for the Group Business Volume (GBV) generated by Distributors in their sales and distribution organization.
Only submission of a nominal subscription fee is required to participate as a Distributor in the compensation program. As a Distributor, compensation is paid only on sales volume accumulated by qualified and active Distributors who have satisfied their minimum activity requirements. A Distributor occupies a business development Center in the binomial network structure and qualifies to build a marketing Organization and earn commission by first meeting specific sales and personal business volume requirements.
The marketing plan includes a policy for buying back all currently marketable products or literature purchased within one year of return date from Distributors who are terminating their distributorships, or purchased within 30 days of return date for Distributors not terminating their distributorships. The policy requires that product first be offered to upline Distributors to avoid a charge-back of MPCP compensation previously earned. The total process for a return usually takes less than 30 days if the Distributor follows the procedures set forth in the Market Hong Kong Career Manual. Compensation must be charged back, in the absence of a buyback by a sponsoring or upline Distributor, because the product was never sold to an end user. Sale of products to the ultimate consumer is a fundamental requirement for the earning of compensation in the Marketing Plan. The policy also allows for customer returns and full customer refunds on the product from the selling Distributor within seven days from the date of purchase.
Market Hong Kong has also engineered a means by which Distributors can avoid the temptation of making extravagant product or income claims. Video, audio and printed presentations relate exciting, objective information about the company plan and products. One of the biggest potential problems in the network marketing industry is misrepresentation by a Distributor in business presentations. Distributors are contractually obligated to understand the marketing plan and properly present it. Executive Coordinators are contractually obligated to train, supervise and monitor their organizations and guard against misrepresentation. Market Hong Kong encourages Distributors to use only company-developed marketing tools in group settings and prohibits unauthorized income claims or use of unauthorized literature or marketing tools. All other materials must be sent to the company for prior approval. This practice minimizes the risk of misrepresentation.
Market Hong Kong has established a Legal Department to oversee Distributor ethics and policy enforcement to ensure that the company’s operational standards remain intact and that each Distributor honors all applicable laws. In the areas of regulatory compliance, multilevel marketing law, securities law and business opportunity law, Market Hong Kong is represented with credible and experienced legal counsel. The strength and future of Market Hong Kong depends on innovative products and marketing, but the company equally relies on Distributors who adhere to its policies and procedures.
All Market Hong Kong Independent Distributors are required to comply with all policies, all procedures, rules and regulations set forth in this Career Manual, and these may be amended from time to time. Part II of the Career Manual is included as part of the Independent Distributor Application and Agreement and is legally binding, as are the other terms of the Application and Agreement.
Market Hong Kong honors all government regulations governing good business practices and requires all Independent Distributors to do the same. The company is a direct sales company marketing products through Independent Distributors. The policies, procedures, rules and regulations herein are applicable to all Independent Distributors and Market Hong Kong.
Last Modified :09/24/2014 1:33:22 PM EDT